Products and Services
Who We Are:
We are future-oriented hybrid organization and we cover a large range of creative products & services, platforms, & campaigns with one purpose - create value.
We go through the requirements, we define goals, we approach the challenge, we deliver the solution, we measure results. By putting together creativity and technology, we put our focus on the ROI. We always use the power of creativity to transform strategy into unique solutions.
DIGITALCRAFT ITC LTD is an incorporated and registered Company with Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria. The Objects for which the Company is established are:
√ To carry on the business of a computer company, and to engage in any or all branches of the computer business, whether in respect of manufacturing, repairs of computer, graphic design, networking, branding, sales and services of computers, laptops, trading and provision of other computer/communication services, solar systems and CCTV systems and services.
√ To carry on the business of general contracts, trading, marketing, sales and distribution of general goods, be they manufactured or not, commission agents, manufacturer's representatives, importers, general suppliers, general contractors and general merchants and industrialist; deal in all kinds of goods (whether or not manufactured in whole or in part) and distributors of beverages, building materials of all kinds and description and raw materials in any part of the world...